College Application Essay Writing Workshops
College Essay One-on-One Coaching
Students have just 650 words to convey their talents and aspirations in an essay for college admissions. Great essays also lead the way to scholarships.
Students often do not know how to approach these essays. Writing UpWord can help. We provide personalized, onsite workshops and
one-on-one coaching.
Linda McCarthy and Lynn Cvengros are experienced writing instructors and teach each workshop as a team. Over the course of three days, we guide students in finding their personal stories best suited for their chosen universities and writing in their own voice in a way that will get them noticed. Following each workshop, students each meet with Lynn or Linda for a 30 minutes virtual one-on-one editing session.
Over the course of 6 1/2 hours working together, students will learn to reflect, grow in confidence as writers, write an essay that will get them noticed, and be better prepared for post-high school writing.
Schedule a one-on-one session, a series of one-on-one sessions, or host an on-site workshop at your school.
To learn more, contact us to schedule a free10-minute Zoom introduction.

Your Coaches
Linda and Lynn are both writing enthusiasts. We met when we were young English teachers juggling teaching and toddlers. We bonded over our love of books and reading, our passion for teaching, and our appreciation for the written word. Over the years we shared ideas and teaching strategies.
In 2000, our school Academic Boosters Club asked us to teach a summer college application essay workshop for rising seniors. We continued to collaborate on developing the workshop and often asked each other for feedback when working with students.
As we became more experienced teachers, our understanding of the art of writing and the writing process deepened. Later in our career, we developed a two-hour Project Based Learning class that combined US History and English. We learned that working together heightened our creativity and provided us with a system that allowed us to support our students through the collaborative process. We were trained in design thinking at the Stanford K-12 lab, a process that emphasizes the importance of observation, interviewing, empathy and brainstorming, all of which we apply to the writing process.
As the workshop became more popular, parents with students outside of our school district began to reach out to us for essay help. We have worked with thousands of students of all writing levels and varying aspirations to gain admittance to their desired universities including Yale University, Georgetown University, University of Pennsylvania, Barnard College, Duke University, Dartmouth College, University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin, Northwestern University, University of Chicago, to name a few.
After years of working together in the classroom, we have now expanded our ability to help students craft their college application essays. We enjoy working with students, and we started Writing UpWord to help students in Michigan and around the United States with the craft of writing and to guide them in achieving their dreams.